Gardener Walter, Wins The Community Hero Award

We are delighted to announce that Manor Grange Care Home's wonderful Gardener Walter, recently won the Community Hero award for our region. He is all too often an unseen member of staff with whom we could simply not be without. During the winter months, Walter has been guaranteed to be at Manor Grange as early as 5.30 am, (7 days a week if needed), gritting or ploughing the icy or snowy drive/pavements to ensure the safety of staff, visitors and residents.
Walter maintains our grounds with great care and passion, and as a result, we enjoy colourful displays of plant life throughout most of the year as well as a thriving eco environment full of natural wildlife. It is clear to everyone that he loves his role at our care home in Edinburgh.
“I have maintained gardens in the Murrayfield and surrounding area for in excess of 35 years, working with Capability Scotland and the Tor Nursing home prior to being at Manor Grange. I really enjoy being outdoors and meeting new people. I love chatting to the residents hearing their life stories and them sharing their memories with me. It brings a smile to my face to see residents, visitors and staff out enjoying our grounds, I admit to a sense of pride in seeing the grounds as they are now which have been cultivated by the care and attention that I have given them in the 6 years or so since Manor Grange first opened its doors.
We have been fortunate with links to local schools such as Carrick Knowe Primary School and Craigmount High School who come and help plant bulbs in the garden alongside the residents. It is acts of kindness such as these that bring our garden to life and enables it to grow both in character and history. The garden now tells its own story of residents to whom it has been home to and of staff who also regarded it as such”.
Congratulations again to Walter for winning the award as it was well-deserved and we are so grateful to have Walter as part of the Manor Grange Care Home team.